Wednesday, 3 March 2010

"The Claremont"

They arrived earlier than planned, which meant they had a couple of hours to familiarise themselves with their surroundings and time for a cheeky bevvy in a pub.
The first pub they came across was "The Beehive". Had their mental state not been hindered with copious amounts of grass they might of felt comfortable entering this space, instead, they drove on. Next was "The Claremont". No windows insight and a nervous, beady eyed man circling the street out front, didn't ease their ever growing paranoia. Was this the grass talking or was this gut instinct? If it wasn't for their bladders which were near on ready to burst, they may of taken longer to consider this. Sheepishly they left their safe-haven and made their way towards the front door. Upon entering, they were greeted with a hostile silence and the glare of many old and toothless punters.
"Where's the toilet?" she asked. Which was acknowledged with a faint nod of the head in the direction behind her. In a desperate attempt to escape this awkward hell, she charged toward to toilet door only to nearly smack face first into the solid, unmovable object. It was locked.
"Paying customers only", croaked the bar maid.
With this they both began rummaging through their pockets, for change, for anything.
Eventually between them they managed to gather £3.17 which was enough for the two to share one Bulmers. Once the transaction was complete the bar maid handed over the key, without taking her eyes off of them. When they returned from the lavatory, they thought it best to reside in a quiet, empty corner away from meddlesome folk.
Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a harmless, yet brash old man strayed towards them.
"I'm gunna sit with these two fiine young ladies, an make all a'yous jealous" he breathed.
They exchanged a humorous yet uneasy glance, as both girls knew they were thinking the same thing. Drink up and get gone. Each taking turns to down the ice cold cider, they swiftly finished up and made their exit. Now on the other side of The Claremont's doors, it was a whole new world. As they made their way towards their trusty mother Micra, smiles broke out across both faces. For at the same time they both had that same warm familiar feeling... That tonight was going to be a good night.

1 comment:

  1. brilliant hayley :-) i never knew you were such a great writer! full power to you!
    luv, kat (nathan kat kat nathan)
