Thursday, 18 February 2010

A Serious Lack of Exercise

I feel the need to exercise but I'm lacking the energy. The stamina escapes me. Does thinking about it count? I'm exercising my brain. I need to try exercising my will power. It is my will to live a healthy life, when given such a sweet set up and the opportunity to live a healthy life surely I should expect nothing less of myself? Here's the thing. I go through stages of devoting my life to Davina McCall's power of three work out... and other times well I'd rather sit on my arse, stuff my face and rub my swollen belly with satisfaction. Its lazy I know but sometimes it just seems like too much effort. Sometimes I'll even plan to walk to work, armed with my mp3 ready to march in time to the beat of the tune. I close my front door behind me, put my ear phones in and set off. Nine paces on, I pass my car and just as I glance at it, I catch a glimpse of the mildly cloudy sky in my windscreen. I soldier on a few more paces and then suddenly, as if I've just remembered I've left the gas on, I stop dead in my tracks, pivot on the spot and head towards my car.
Well I wouldn't want to get half way to work and get caught in a torrential storm. I wouldn't be able to work if I was soaked through to the bone, on a solemn 8 hour shift now would I? I'll walk tomorrow I say to myself. Unfortunately tomorrow approaches all too fast and If it wasn't for my guilty conscience, I'd be able to sit comfortably in my car with out feeling like a lazy oath doomed, to pollute the world with my ignorant unnecessary driving. Damn my conscience. At least when I'm done, I feel energetic and I can find peace of mind in knowing that I've done my bit for now. I can go back to Laying on the sofa with my gut hanging out and marmite on my chin. Happy days.

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